I think, overall, that everything worked out well for me. I have an introduction on my home page and nine other pages, two of which were videos that worked really well. The only thing is that it I couldn't upload videos unless they had a code. That was the only thing that delayed the making of my iweb. I made my website in the form of a journal and a person writing in it as a guide to earthquakes. This worked out well.
The design cycle came into the making of my website a lot. I was able to use it as a guide through making a website. It was helpful since I had never done anything like this before.
For the investigation, I searched for information about my topic, Earthquakes, and saved it all on google documents. I also saved my sources on my delicious account so I would be able to refer to my sources later.
Then I went to iweb and chose the design of my website. This is where i got the idea of a journal. Then I decided how i wanted to set up my pages.
After this, I planned where to put the pictures and my information.
Then I actually typed up my information and uploaded my videos.
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